FAQ - What if…

…I can’t do it every day?

Don’t worry about whether you can do this every single day or not. It’s not about how many days you give yourself the time to reflect. It’s about the fact that you do.

…I can’t do it in May?

No problem - you can do it any time of the year.

May was the month the MWAH event originated because as grieving parents, which originally created this event, May and Mother's Day is often a challenging time of the year. This is where traditionally a larger number of people take part and you can find a lot of their sharings when searching the hashtags mentioned above.

…I just want to do this on my own without sharing?

That's ok. Do what is best for you and follow your intuition. Make sure to read about the benefits of sharing and connecting to others before you decide.

…I don’t have the companion book?

You can order a soft or hardcover version in the shop. Alternatively, choose a notebook that fits your needs, with respect to size and the paper quality (preferably without any lines or grids to allow free creative expression).

…I am not creative?

Do you write? Do you speak? Do you move? Then you are creating and creative. You will find out more about 'What is creativity?' later on in the course.

Everyone is creative. What comes in between seeing oneself as creative are expectations and comparisons.

(Read more on that topic in the lecture on GOOD TO KNOW - Creativity and expectations.)

✋ Any other questions? Ask them in the comments below, if you wish.

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